العلاج بالببتيد

ما هو العلاج بالببتيد؟

الببتيدات عبارة عن أحماض أمينية قصيرة السلسلة، وهي موجودة بشكل طبيعي في الأطعمة ويمكن امتصاصها بسهولة نظرًا لصغر حجمها. تستهدف الببتيدات المختلفة وظائف محددة بناءً على أهدافك. يمكن لفريقنا أن يوصي بأفضل الببتيدات لك.

فوائد الببتيدات:

فقدان الوزن ونحت الجسم
نمو العضلات وحرق الدهون وكمال الأجسام
عكس آثار الشيخوخة
تحسين النوم
زيادة كثافة العظام
الحماية العصبية
الأداء الهرموني الطبيعي
تقليل الالتهاب

تعرف على المزيد حول أفضل الببتيدات المتوفرة في عيادة يوتوبيا في دبي:

أسئلة متكررة

What is Peptide Therapy?
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Peptides are short-chain amino acids, which are naturally present in foods and easily absorbed due to their small size. Different peptides target specific functions based on your goals. Our team can recommend the best peptides for you.
What are the different types of peptides?
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Peptide therapy is the future of regenerative and advanced medicine. There are more than 60 FDA approved peptides on the market.
What can peptides do for me?
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Peptides have various benefits, from joint health to weight loss, increased muscle mass, stamina, performance and so many other benefits.
How are Peptides Administered?
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Many peptides are administered through subcutaneous injection; some can also be taken orally or topically. The frequency and dosage vary from peptide to peptide.
Where does Yutopia source their peptides from?
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All peptides we prescribe at Yutopia are FDA approved and are made in the USA.
Are peptides safe?
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Peptides have a very high safety factor and are well-tolerated by people because they are not something new to our bodies. Peptides are the future of advanced medicine. Peptides are also being used for longevity, overall human and executive performance.
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